4 Week Strength and Conditioning Program


Start any time! 4 weeks of Strength & Conditioning workouts designed to have you make moves in your strength, endurance, and cardio. Whether you are a beginner, or a seasoned gym-goer, you will find this program challenging, fun, and effective! The program is made up of straightforward, full-body workouts that take less than 45 minutes to complete, using minimal equipment. All you need are one set of moderate weight dumbbells (8#-20#), one moderate weight kettle bell (15#-35#), a small loop band, and a long loop band.

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What’s included:

  • 5 workouts per week: 3 Strength Workouts and 2 Conditioning Workouts

  • workouts are delivered through the TrueCoach App so you can log your weights, sets, and reps to track your progress and mark your workouts as you complete them

  • includes videos of each exercise to be sure you’re performing the movements correctly

  • access to direct messaging with me throughout the 4 weeks to ask any questions and provide feedback!